Your First Visit

Your First Consultation

Your first consultation will be with one of our board-certified Medical Oncologists. In this visit, your provider will spend up to an hour discussing the status of your cancer diagnosis, treatment options available, and answer any questions that you may have. We understand that a new cancer diagnosis can be a confusing and scary event for anyone, and we are committed to making the process of treating your cancer as simple and reassuring as possible.

Please bring the following to your first visit:
• ID
• Insurance card
• New patient forms (if you chose to fill out in advance)

Chemotherapy Basics

This 10-minute video will explore:

• the fundamentals of chemotherapy
• how it's administered
• the best ways to manage side effects

We are committed to making the process of treating your cancer as simple and reassuring as possible.

Your First Chemotherapy / Immunotherapy Visit

Katmai Oncology provides the following:
• Pillows
• Blankets
• Movie players
• Wi-Fi
• Basic food and snacks
• A small selection of reading material

Chemo treatments are different depending on your cancer diagnosis and stage. Some treatment sessions are a quick injection, while others can be all-day infusions. You are welcome to bring your own food, supplies and entertainment.

Our clinic has two infusion suites with eight chairs. Please remember to be mindful of others receiving treatment alongside you. Keep phone calls to a minimum and conversations at a low volume. Also be mindful of strong fragrances and avoid perfumes, colognes, cigarette and marijuana smoke. 

We welcome you to invite one support person 14 years of age or older to join you in your chemo sessions.